Monday, September 15, 2008

What a government site can look like

A very interesting link to an image resonated with me - it was a mock-up of what a government site can be:
(leading link). This is an interesting way to go about planning - the mock up. Instead of working meticulously for each technology to be enabled in an organisation (RSS, blogging, a portal, the webpages, a CMS...), a mock-up of how the organisation would look like for its clients/citizens can help set the destination, and then chart the signposts along the way to achieve it. Brilliant.

There was another link to the website of the "Stratford-on-Avon" district in the UK: 
Perhaps we're already there. Just others are steering in other directions.

Presentation: What the F**k is Social Media


Well I just couldn’t resist posting this up. Marta Z. Kagan has done a wonderful job pulling together recent statistics to present Social Media using the most in-your-face approach I have seen to date, even by my standards. Try sending this to your "old-guard" senior management!

What The F**K is Social Media?
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: socialmediamarketing marketing)